Circle Insights

Adobe Campaign v8 – CACI achieves another first with Adobe

David Sealey

CACI continues to stay at the cutting edge of marketing technology as they achieve an EMEA first for Telegraph Media Group.

Communicating with their subscribers and readers is an important objective for the Telegraph, with a need to stay relevant through fresh content and offers. To continue serving timely and personalised messaging, the Telegraph made the decision to upgrade to Adobe Campaign v8 and to implement Adobe’s Experience Platform.

Adobe Campaign v8 brings high speed performance for complex data selections and ensures that Telegraph are able to reflect the diverse interests of their readers in communications.

As a long-time partner of both Adobe and Telegraph Media Group, CACI were appointed to run the upgrade. Notably this was the first upgrade in EMEA to Campaign v8 and the second globally.

Speaking of the project, Dylan Jacques of Telegraph said “it is great to work with partners who understand our business so well and take a practical approach to delivery. Working with the teams at CACI and Adobe has been a pleasure and enabled us to deliver a complex upgrade.”

With an increasing array of options for marketing technology, CACI remain committed to our mission of assessing the best options for our clients and making value led decisions on what route to take. David Delbridge who leads CACI’s marketing technology practice said “every client situation is different which requires us to look at the use cases a client has and make decisions that deliver the greatest value for minimal effort & cost. Telegraph needed a powerful platform that could handle their complex data and Adobe Campaign V8 was the obvious choice. As longstanding partners of Adobe, we are proud to have implemented the first Adobe Campaign v8 outside of the US!”

Should you want to find out more about CACI’s work with Adobe and the support we can provide in selecting and optimising customer marketing technology, please get in contact.

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David Sealey