Early years recording of children’s attendance on any services they engage with is crucial for painting a clear picture of every child. Tracking pre-school engagement of a child and their family enables local authorities to gain a holistic view of every child.
Every local authority has specific reporting requirements when it comes to early years children. Children’s Centre Manager has been designed by CACI to be flexible, meaning you can report on the areas that you need to from data gathered at source and uploaded directly into your system. Data entry is reduced, since it is entered once and shared through your system. Flexibility is increased and you gain a holistic view of the pre-school children within your authority.
Download the product sheetFurther information
For further information on how Children’s Centre Manager can help you, please contact Children & Young People on
+44 (0)20 8783 2700.
Improving outcomes for every child
Having a holistic view of the children in your services, and their families, enables you to understand which children are engaging with services in your area, and which aren’t. By having this understanding, it makes it easier to reach out to and understand families. It further benefits each early years’ child, since your record of their activities and engagements can be shared with their school when they start, giving schools insight as to the children joining them. By joining the dots from early years, we can help to improve outcomes for every child.
Children’s Centre Manager makes this process easy for you.
- Rapid and intuitive report creation
- Reduced data entry
- Engage with families in an informed and automated way
- More easily support Ofsted inspections
CACI can further support your services with managed cloud hosting and automated data integration with the other services you interact with. This ensures that not only is your data secure, it is useable across your local authority and its services. By reporting across your service and understanding engagement rates with your children centres, you can create data maps to gain a fuller understanding of your services, too. All of this helps with the ultimate outcome of improving outcomes for the children in your area.
